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vendredi 15 août 2014

Republic of Lebanon

Republic of Lebanon is an Arab country in the Middle East, located in the southwest of the Asian continent. Bordered by Syria to the north and east, and the occupied territories - Israel from the south, overlooking the west side of the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon's history has a long tradition more than 7,000 years of existence and interaction with civilizations. Is a democratic country, Republican Toaúfa rich multiplicity of cultures and the diversity of civilizations. Most of the population of Arabs, Muslims and Christians. Unlike the rest of the Arab countries, there is the presence of an active Christians in public and political life. Hagar and his sons spread around the world since the days of the Phoenicians, and currently the number of Lebanese immigrants twice the estimated number of Lebanese residents. Lebanon faced since ancient multiplicity of civilizations that have passed or occupied territory so as to position the middle between North European and Arab south and east Asian and West African, and this moderation reason for the diversity and uniqueness with its surroundings and at the same time a cause of wars and conflicts throughout the ages manifested civil wars and conflict destiny with Israel. And the nature of the land of Lebanon mountain Objection Like most mountains of the Levant was a haven for the oppressed in the region since ancient times, and at the same time painted the beauty of nature and its climate, which attracts tourists from the country surrounding it, which revived the economy even in the darkest crises, Vaguetsadeh depends on tourism services and banking, which together make up more than 65 % of the total GDP. Lebanon is one more banking centers importance in Western Asia, and in the period during which the country the height of its prosperity became known as the "Switzerland of the East", to the strength and stability of its financial position at the time and diversity> also attracted large numbers of tourists to the point of becoming with Beirut known as the Paris East. After the end of the civil war, many attempts have been made and continue to rebuild the national economy and promote the development of new and all the infrastructure. Lebanon is known for his regime's leading educational and heritage in the foot, which allows the establishment of educational institutions from different cultures and encourages education in different languages ​​in addition to Arabic. And his sons were active in the enrichment cultures and the Arab world in the fields of science, arts and literature, and they were the pioneers of the press and media in the Arab world. Hai Aldenh name Jounieh ..

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